Foothills Veterinary Hospital

Our Blog

Chasin' Honey
September 1, 2020
Posted by Daniel Randall
Honey wasn’t racist. She didn’t have a racist bone in her body. She was merely the product of a sheltered upbringing, rarely exposed to...

Who’s Smarter than a Fifth Grader?
August 9, 2020
Posted by Daniel Randall
The pager on my hip erupted in a cacophony of beeps and vibrations. I cursed under my breath. I was on call. I knew better than to plan anything. It...

Goodbye old friend…
May 1, 2019
Posted by Daniel Randall
Why is it that making friends is so much easier for kids? Is it because childhood is the age of authenticity, the time in our lives when we are the...

Pete and Scarlett
April 13, 2019
Posted by Daniel Randall
“Damnit, Scarlett. I left my house shoes right here by the bed for a reason.” Pete mumbled. His feet searched the dark floor in a clumsy,...

What Made You Want to be a Veterinarian??
March 31, 2016
Posted by Daniel Randall
“Did you always want to be a vet?” I get that a lot. Evidently, there are people in this world who somehow know from an early age just...

All surgeries are not created equal!!
March 27, 2014
Posted Daniel Randall
Frequently I get asked why it costs more for some common procedures at one clinic and less at another. Often when someone asks this they are trying...

The New Years Puppy
March 13, 2014
Posted by Daniel Randall
Dr. Bobby’s house was just across the lawn from the clinic. During the winter months when the soil was soft and the grass was dormant you could...

Bonnie and Clyde
January 30, 2013
Posted by Daniel Randall
Ms. Taylor’s chin started to quiver and the corners of her mouth turned down slightly as the news I was sharing with her sunk in. Tears welled up...